
Acuit IEM Tuning Kit

This kit from Acuit Audio lets you get the most out of your listening experience. Achieve that flat response you thought you could only get from $300 IEMs from your $50 pair. Turn your super-accurate production IEMs into exciting bass canons. Analyze every part in a symphony. The set of acoustic filters, tips, and accessories allows you to get a great fit and adapt the sound from your earphones to achieve the perfect sound signature for your needs. Switch out the tips and filters to boost bass, mids, or highs and hear something totally new every time.

In-ear monitors, or IEMs are everywhere. They’re the earphones that have rubber or foam tips that you insert directly into your ear canals. This style of headphone has a huge potential for accurate, fun, or detailed sound reproduction without hurting your wallet. That said, there is a huge range of price and quality when it comes to IEMs. Perhaps the most important element that can make or break an IEM is fit. The Acuit IEM tuning kit Extends the nozzle of your IEM and offers a number of accessories to help you get a comfortable, tight seal.

Have fun experimenting with how you listen to your music.


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The Acuit IEM Tuning Kit uses miniature acoustic filters that install in front of your earphone’s nozzle. They are completely removable and can be swapped out at any time. The filters increase the effective length of your IEM’s nozzle and adjust the frequency balance of the sound reaching your ears. The longer nozzle allows you to get a better seal or deeper insertion than what is possible with your IEM alone. A small bottle and applicator of baby oil is included as well—for the most difficult to seal ears.

Each filter has a different effect on your IEM’s sound. The green filter has the most neutral sound. The red and black filters offer moderate and maximum bass boost, respectively. The kit also includes vented, treble-boosting ear tips. These allow bass and mid frequencies to bleed out while preserving crystal clear treble. The treble-tips can also give a sense of space that isn’t often heard in IEMs.

Each filter and tip has been carefully designed to deliver a predictable sound signature. See how the Acuit IEM Tuning Kit will affect your IEM’s eq here:

Response Curves

The kit comes with S, M, and L ear tips to fit most ears. The acoustic filters are also compatible with any standard, 3.8mm core silicone ear tips. The silicone adapter tubes will accommodate most common IEM nozzle sizes ranging from 3.5mm to 6.5mm